Glasgow Research Standardisation Network

A community that turns research into standards.



The Glasgow Research Standardisation Network (GRSN) brings together researchers and professionals from different areas to share experience and support each other about the translation of research outcomes to standards.

We hold various in-person events and have a teams page.

The goal of GRSN is to increase awareness of standardisation as a possible path to be followed by researchers in the University, with the long-term aim of enhancing the University’s standards-related impact. In short, to create a UoG-wide standardization community of practice.

If you would like to know more, click here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Should I Care About Standards?

The translation of any research works into standards (or the often closely related policy) is a direct way to address EPSRC’s goal of achieving meaningful impact and engagement with society from research, to support technology transfer, and to encourage commercial take-up of research results.

How Can GRSN Help Me?

If you would like answers to:

  • What are standards?
  • Why do standards matter to industry and society?
  • How can my research have impact through standards development?
  • How are standards created?
  • Who uses standards?
  • How are standards used?
  • What are the standards development organisations in my area?
  • Who else is doing standards at the University?
  • How do I get involved and what does that look like?

How Can I Get in Touch With the Community?

Say hello on the teams page or contact us!

Important Dates

Meetings ✋

GRSN has a bi-annual meeting for new people to learn and wise elders to share updates. Out next meeting is:

Quarterly Coffee ☕

GRSN holds quarterly coffee meeetups, for informal chats, discussions, and questions:

  • time, date, place
  • time, date, place
  • time, date, place
  • time, date, place

Next Meeting

Date & Time

Monday, September 2nd, 10:00 - 16:00 @ ARC


To arrange catering, please register here.


Participation is FREE 😀.


Room 237, The Mazumdar-Shaw Advanced Research Centre, 11 Chapel Lane, University of Glasgow, G11 6EW

(more info about the venue here)

Find on Google Maps

Next Meeting Program

If you want to participate in the bi-annual meeting, please register here!

(more info about the venue here)


Monday 2nd September 2024

Time Speaker Details
09:30 - 10:00 Arrival & Coffee
10:00 - 11:00 What are we Doing and Why
Paul Harvey Intro and Context
Muhammad Ali Jamshed/Keith Dingwall Why Standards Matter to the University
Everyone - Introductions by attendees
- Why do standards matter to you?
- What successes have you had working with standards?
- What issues or concerns do you have?
11:00 - 11:15 Break
11:15 - 12:00 Examples of Standards Work
James Baird Standards in Accounting
Colin Perkins Standards in the Internet
Everyone - What other types of standards are people working on?
- What’s related?
- Common issues, concerns
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 13:45 Impact and importance
Calum Kirk Research Impact: Importance and Assessment
Everyone - How can we help each other?
- How can the University help?
13:45 - 14:30 Next Steps
14:30 Close


Paul Harvey

Colin Perkins

GRSN is supported by EPSRC IAA. drawing